
Benefits of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a specific type of therapy that incorporates the use of scented essential oils into a massage.

Is known to treat a variety of conditions:

. Reduces stress . Pain relief
. Relieves anxiety . Increased calmness and relaxation
. Reduce symptoms of depression  . Decrease muscle tension

If everyday life has left you feeling burn out, an aromatherapy massage could be just what you need to de-stress and recharge.
The therapeutic essential oils are guaranteed to leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed and totally reinvigorated.
Combining the power of essential oils with massage therapy, benefitting both; mind and body.





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Allergies: Please, let your therapist know of any allergies or intolerance you may have. We use different carrier oils on the blends; this can contain nuts.

Phototoxicity :  Is the pigmentation or burning of the skin when an oil has been applied shortly before exposure to sunlight or artificial UV light. 

Some essential oils are really phototoxic.
Please, let your therapist know if you are planning to expose your skin to the sun so we can recommend the best oils for you and your skin.