Hot Stones Massage

Benefits Hot Stones

Hot stone massage are beneficial for conditions like muscle pain, arthritis and stress. 

The heat they release gets deep into the skin and the muscles, providing relaxation and relief from tension. 

. Relieves pain and tension     . Promotes restful sleep
. Fortifies the immune system  . Manages chronic pain
. Releases body toxins              . Stimulates energy

Tips for before 

. Arrive at your appointment well-hydrated. Drink plenty of water prior to your hot stone massage
. As possible, don't drink caffeine and alcoholic beverages a few hours before your appointment
. Do no eat a heavy meal before your massage.

Tips for after

. Drink lots of water to flush out the toxins
. Avoid alcohol and caffeine for a day
. Do not engage in heavy activities for the rest of the day. Instead, take some relaxation time and chill.